Teaching Young Children Early Mathematics through Music and Movement


  • Kamariah Abu Bakar
  • Mohamad Azam Samsudin


teaching and learning; young children; numbers; mathematics; music; movement


The purpose of this study was to explore the integration of music and movement elements into young children's mathematics classrooms. Using a qualitative approach, this research was a case study. Three teachers were purposely selected as participants for this study. The teachers were interviewed to gain information about the songs and movements they chose to employ into their instruction. Additionally, their lessons were observed to attain the ways they incorporated music and movement. These sessions were video recorded to gain a rich picture of the songs and movements incorporated as well as the benefits of such practice in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The findings from the interviews (with teachers), classroom observations, and photographs exhibited that the teachers used familiar, easy and simple songs to be incorporated in their instruction. It was also evident that embedding music and movement activities into young children's mathematics lessons had a positive impact on the students' learning of early mathematics. The students focused on what the teachers were doing and repeating after them. This enhanced their mathematics learning. The implication of this study is that mathematics instruction should be employed in a fun yet meaningful way by incorporating music and movement activities as teaching and learning activities. More importantly, is that children learn mathematics with understanding.



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